5 December Open Class | 6-7 December workshop
There is this story where a man goes to an isolated mountain to find a Guru. When he finds him, the Guru teaches him a simple rhythm. Day in, day out, for years the same, simple rhythm. Disappointed the man leaves the Guru, feeling that he has gained nothing. However once in the world again he suddenly realizes that everything moves in this rhythm. He has been taught the rhythm of life.
We live in a world with a lot of noise and distractions; phones, commercials to name a few. Also we’re constantly addressed as individuals which isolates us. From these individual bubbles and with all the noise it’s hard to hear life’s rhythms. As a consequence we easily get out of sync with the pulse of the earth, the seasons, the people around us and our own bodies and find ourselves saying one thing and doing another. In the workshop RHYTHM & BODY TALK we practice getting in tune with life’s rhythms again. We’ll explore the energizing pulse that connects us with the world around us and how we can find it in our bodies. From this place expression becomes effortless and energized. The 5Rhythms will be our roadmap on this exploration. The first rhythm Flowing helps us to sink softly into the beat. In Staccato, the main focus of this workshop, we find ways to let our bodies talk clearly. The rhythm of Chaos support us to surrender to the beat and Lyrical gives us space to improvise and play. In Stillness lastly we practice bringing things to completion.
5 December 2014 Open Class
6 & 7 December 2014 Workshop
Friday 18.30 - 21.30
Saturday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak
Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)
Friday only €25 (payment at door)
Sat & Sun €150*
Fri - Sun €170*
All prices include VAT.
EARLY BIRD PRICE €150 for Fri - Sun and €135 Sat & Sun. Valid until 1 November 2014.
* please let us know if you want to join and the workshop fee lies beyond your present capabilities.
The 5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice where we both meditate and rock our bodies in the same breath. It has 5 phases or rhythms that take dancers on a journey of tuning in (flowing), expressing (staccato), surrendering (chaos), expanding (lyrical) and being (stillness). Anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can dance the 5Rhythms. You only need a body that breathes, a heart that beats and a willingness to be curious.

Léon Beckx is a certified 5Rhythms movement facilitator and has been teaching the 5Rhythms since 2008 in his hometown Amsterdam and abroad. Léon grew up with martial arts and hip hop and has a professional background in psychology and community building. In his workshops and classes Léon includes inspirations from other movement practices such as instant composition, contact improvisation and the field of somatics. His teaching style is experimental and subtle with much focus on our bodies innate intelligence.
All of Léon's classes & workshops count as Wave hours for the 5Rhythms Teacher Training