Conscious Dance is an umbrella term for a wide variety of dance forms like the Authentic Movement, the 5Rhythms, Biodanza, Soul Motion, Continuum Movement, Butoh, Open Floor, Movement Medicine, and Ecstatic Dance to name a few. Generally, in Conscious Dance an environment is created that allows for spontaneous movement and all kinds of feelings to be expressed. In such a ‘brave space’ the grip of social conventions, like ‘dancing pretty’ or ‘only showing safe emotions’, can loosen. It is also a dance environment that is less judgmental of how people dance. There are no right or wrong moves to make as in choreography. Instead, people are encouraged to tune in and dance as they are. This makes Conscious Dance so accessible to dancers from all walks of life. Once people allow their body to speak, they connect with life as it moves through them in the here and now. This is liberating, vitalizing, and can be a meditative experience. By moving authentically, dancers soon experience that they themselves are not moving, but they are being moved. The Dance takes over. This is when we can enter an altered state of consciousness, such as trance or ecstasy.