dance expedition
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Blaise Pascal
with mirjam martens & Léon beckx
Do you sense that your dance is just the tip of the iceberg? Do you feel a calling to follow the dancing path further into unknown territory? Do you want to awaken the dancer in your daily life? If the answer is yes, then joining our Dance Expedition might just be the thing for you.
Workshop series FEB - JUNE '20
with Mirjam Martens & Léon Beckx
​For our barefoot journey into dance we take two basic, but profound tools: mindfulness and movement. When we infuse our movement with a soft, non-judgmental awareness, doors start to open. At first, things might feel strange and unfamiliar. Our dancing bodies have a unique way of speaking that most of us know and somehow have forgotten. Our bodies sing with sensations and bring unspoken poetry in motion. Often this language remains unconscious and becomes the stuff of dreams. Conscious Dance, however, is a way to openly attend to this soulful language.
We will use a wide variety of tools - from somatics, 5rhythms, contemporary dance, authentic movement, and martial arts - to help you remember the language of your intuition. This not only makes your dance richer and more meaningful, it also helps you to be more attuned to your innermost self in daily life and create some much needed magic moments where ever you go.
Dance Expedition moves beyond the typical dance workshop in two important ways. First, we work in a team to offer more personal guidance and feedback. Secondly, near the end of the day our dance space transforms into a stage where we play with improvising dance together. This type of improvised dance is also known as instant composition. In contrast to choreographed dance, instant composition teaches dancers to create and compose together in the moment. It is not about 'dancing beautiful', but about being present, aware and real, so movement and dance can unfold and magical moments can arise.
​Dance Expedition is a series of day workshops that take place on a monthly basis. Each day has a specific theme which is elaborated below. The days are open to everybody and all levels of experience. The days can be joined separately, but it is recommended to follow more days so we get to know you better and can offer better feedback and grow as a group.
​Mirjam Martens and Léon Beckx are enthusiastic dance explorers and experienced guides of both dance and personal process. Below you can also read more about them...
​In 2020 we will embark on a fresh dance expedition moving with unique words like: ubuntu, wabi-sabi, hygge, duende or goya. Each word opens a new world to explore in deepening movement exercises (somatics, Authentic Movement, 5Rhythms), and dance improvisation. Through these explorations we will hope to find new ways to experience ourselves and our relationships. As always, prior dance experience is not required, just a curiosity and willingness to move and be moved.
DUENDE - Sunday, March 29
In this workshop, we explore a word that has its roots in the Spanish arts. It is particularly known as a profound quality of spirit in Flamenco. Do you know that feeling where a piece of art gives you the chills? Duende can be experienced by expressing our deepest feelings. It may be lingering between pain and passion, life and death. We will listen and express whatever wants to be moved. In this Dance Expedition we create a safe space to allow a new experience of our dance to emerge. We improvise and we explore. Do we dare to give all of ourselves to the dance?
TIME: 13:30-19:00
There will be tea and some snacks to nourish us during the break.
Other dates 2020: 19-4 // 24-5 // 21-6
€ 60 for the afternoon
OR Five workshops €250 (You save €50)
All prices include VAT.
* please let us know if you want to join, but you can't afford the full workshop fee.
You can pay by pressing the following links:
If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us: mirmarmeer@gmail.com
The workshop will be given in Dutch and/or English depending on the participants.
Mirjam Martens is a dancer in heart and life. She made embodiment into her life practise and loves sharing the joy for movement. She has experience working as a Massage therapist and Somatic Movement Therapist aswell as leading ceremonies at Ecstatic Dance.
After her bachelor in Modern Dance she continued exploring a wide variety of Somatic modalities that are process oriënted and self empowering. She strongly believes that the body itself can lead us to the depth of being....
Léon Beckx is a Conscious Dance teacher. He was certified as a 5Rhythms teacher in 2008 and expanded his dance practice since with Somatics, Contact Improvisation, Instant Composition and theater. Léon grew up with martial arts and hip hop and has a professional background in psychology and community building. His teaching style is experimental and subtle with much focus on our bodies innate intelligence. Read more about Léon here.