Wild Earth Wild Soul
A monthly spiritual ecology workshop and gathering
in a wonderful, green oasis in Amsterdam
Spiritual ecology recognizes the urgent need to build a new relationship with the earth. A relationship that is deeply interconnected, sacred and loving. In our monthly gatherings we practice with key ingredients to create an Earth honoring culture. We both tap into ancestral memories and take what is best from current personal development practices and social change movements. Each monthly workshop is a short retreat in which we immerse in nature, meditate, create rituals and ceremonies, do different movement practices and - last but not least - celebrate through singing, dancing, and art making...
Our purpose: spreading the seeds of an 'eco-ecstatic culture'. To us this means living in tune with nature, and from there, giving space to our unique expressions and gifts.
We facilitate these afternoons with great care and welcome you to share your input as well. Every gathering looks to move beyond our everyday consensus reality. Curious? Come and join us in exploring the wilderness in- and outside us.
Monthly Sunday afternoons (13.30-16.30)
Doors open at 13.00.
First gathering: January 19 2020
Venue: De Meditatietuin, Amstelpark 6, Amsterdam
Donation: 30,- (regular price) or 20,- (for those with lower incomes)
Subscribe and more info on our Facebook page
Team of facilitators
Léon Beckx, Sara Eenhoorn and
Peter Luijten. In partnership with Cloë Monteiro and Gijs Dev Niranjan from the Meditatietuin.
Léon Beckx has a professional background as a psychologist and a dancer. He became a 5Rhythms teacher in 2008, and besides part-time teaching, he further specialized in somatics, martial arts, dance improvisation and theatre. In recent years, Léon is involved in Ecstatic Dance as a Ceremony Leader, DJ, and educator. Since 2006 Léon also works as a lead facilitator in programs aimed at community building and cultural sensitivity.
Sara Eenhoorn is an experienced outdoor guide and team member of Nature Quest and Otro Elements. She will teach us the art of systemic observation, among other skills. Playfulness is key to her.
Peter Luijten initiated these gatherings, after participating in Bill Pfeiffer's Wild Earth Intensive in the United States. He is an experienced workshop host, serves as project leader at the Institute for Nature Education (IVN) and started dj-ing. His drum will guide us into ceremony.
Chloë Monteiro and Gijs Dev Niranjan founded the Meditatietuin. By meeting them we found not only the perfect venue, but also common purpose. They will participate in our gatherings, sharing their gifts like the inner song, ...
Our practice is inspired and infused by the work of Bill Pfeiffer, Joanna Macy, Charles Eisenstein, Angeles Arriën, Otto Scharmer and many other courageous pioneers.
"When the Amazon dies, a part of us - humans - dies as well".
Charles Eisenstein