Can we dance with time? Can we bend it, stretch it, or even stop the march of time altogether? When we think of time, most imagine a ticking clock. Our lives are organized around the clock with agendas, alarms, and deadlines. Clock time, however, is not a natural rhythm. It only became dominant some 200 years ago with the rise of large-scale industry. In factories, people had to conform to the tempo of machines. Schools were erected to teach children time discipline, so they could be efficient and docile factory workers. Time was no longer ours. We had to work for a bit of free time. Moreover, mechanical time entered our minds. We learned to see time as a scarce commodity that we can buy, save, or waste.
In this workshop we will loosen the grip of mechanical time and return to time as it arises out of the natural cycles, including our own body rhythms. Here we find that time flows like a river. The Greek called this living time Kairos. Kairos teaches us about timing; knowing when the time is ripe for an action or decision and when not. Synchronicity is what happens when we align with Kairos. It is life saying “yes”. Alternately, life can also say “no”, this is when we feel we swim upstream and use a lot of effort to accomplish very little. Kairos is not so much a concept to be grasped, as an experience to be lived. To break the spell of mechanical time, we have to enter body time.
Dance and music can help us befriend Kairos. Deep down we all know how it is to dance with life. At one moment or another, we all have heard the music of the world: the song of an old oak, the shifting harmonies of a flock of birds, or the pulse of a big city. We just have to re-member. In this workshop we do just that. We will use the map of the 5Rhythms and tools from dance improvisation to find our way into Kairos. We will spiral into Kairos-time through our body, but also with each other. So, if you feel ripe for a time travel experience, please join us in our exploration.
So if you want to dance deep in time
Léon Beckx is a dancer and a psychologist. He became a 5Rhythms teacher in 2008 under the guidance of Gabrielle Roth. He further trained in dance improvisation, somatics, martial arts and theater, and is co-founder of the Heart of Ecstatic Dance, where he educates Ecstatic Dance facilitators. Next to dance, Léon also facilitates workshops on community building, conflict resolution, and cultural sensitivity. Read more about Léon here.
29-30 August 2020
The workshop is non-residential
All prices include VAT.
* please let us know if you want to join, but you can't afford the full workshop fee.