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29 May 2016 workshop

We are much smarter than we think. In fact we have a whole body of knowledge at your disposal. Unfortunately we don’t use our body’s intelligence that much. Our minds are quick and loud and easily crowd out the slower and subtle voices of our bodies. Gabrielle Roth, the 5Rhythms’ founder, said it like this: ‘between the head and feet of any given person is a billion miles of unexplored wilderness.´ The 5Rhythms give us a chance to explore this wilderness and get in touch with the wisdom of our moving bodies. In this day workshop we’ll make space for the sensual wisdom of our body. We'll practice understanding the body’s language in ourselves and others and give voice to strange and yet familiar impulses.


The 5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice where we both meditate and rock our bodies in the same breath. It has 5 phases or rhythms that take you on a journey of tuning in (flowing), expressing (staccato), surrendering (chaos), expanding (lyrical) and being (stillness). In this workshop we’ll look at how each rhythm presents a gateway into a specific source of body wisdom and which parts of the body are connected to that.



29 May 2016 // 10.30 - 17.00



Studio FON. Nahkurinkatu 8, 20100 Turku, Finland


Price - €70*


* please let us know if you want to join and the workshop fee lies beyond your present capabilities

A 5RHYTHMS DAY WORKSHOP FOR NEW AND EXPERIENCED DANCERS ON THE BODY'S INTELLIGENCE / is licensed under a Creative Commons. Share and adapt under the following termsWebdesign: Léon Beckx

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