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If life is a journey, which paths do we take? And how do we travel these paths? Are we busy getting from here to there or do we let our feet wander to strange, new places? In this weekend workshop we’ll dive into these questions using the 5Rhythms as our map. We’ll make our bodies available and alert and explore how we move into the world and how the world simultaneously moves through us. We’ll explore which patterns and pathways are all too familiar and look for alternative paths that can open new doors. Experience with the 5Rhythms is not needed for this workshop, a sense of adventure is. Importantly, you won’t travel alone during this workshop. We’ll embark on this journey together, sometimes in unison and sometimes creatively clashing, but always as a part of a bigger whole.


Our journey starts Friday evening with a guided wave, in which I will navigate you through each of the 5 rhythms. This is a good introductory evening for those who are new and allows experienced dancers to deepen their dance. Saturday and Sunday we'll kick of the workshop.


The 5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice where we both meditate and rock our bodies in the same breath. It has 5 phases or rhythms that take you on a journey of tuning in (flowing), expressing (staccato), surrendering (chaos), expanding (lyrical) and being (stillness). In this workshop we’ll look at how each rhythm presents a gateway into a specific source of body wisdom and which parts of the body are connected to that.



  • Friday 18.30 - 21.30

  • Saturday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)

  • Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)





  • Friday only €25 (payment at door)

  • Sat & Sun €150*

  • Fri - Sun €170*

All prices include VAT.


EARLY BIRD PRICE €150 for Fri - Sun and €135 Sat & Sun. Valid until 26 August 2016.


* please let us know if you want to join and the workshop fee lies beyond your present capabilities


16 - 18 September 2016 workshop

Léon Beckx is a certified 5Rhythms movement facilitator and has been teaching the 5Rhythms since 2008 in his hometown Amsterdam and abroad. Léon grew up with martial arts and hip hop and has a professional background in psychology and community building. In his workshops and classes Léon includes inspirations from other movement practices such as instant composition, contact improvisation and the field of somatics. His teaching style is sensitive and experimental with much focus on our bodies innate wisdom.


All of Léon's classes & workshops count as Wave hours for the 5Rhythms Teacher Training


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